Cara has been on the Burklyn board since 1997 and currently serves as co-president. She received her Masters in Education from Penn State in Art Education and is a retired teacher for Vermont Corrections Education. She is a past board member of the Vermont Children's Theatre and a tennis enthusiast!
Carol Mason is a familiar face with Burklyn and has been an active member since 2001. She has been the Art Teacher at the Burke Town School since 1996 and has worked in East Haven, Sutton and Newark at other times. She lives in Lyndonville with her husband, daughter and pets and is a strong advocate for the arts. She loves to paint with acrylics, oils and watercolors and is passionate about printmaking and any kind of fiber arts. For Carol, being part of Burklyn has enabled her to say,” Burklyn has money for that” as she has advocated for numerous art experiences for local students and community members for years.
Barb is a retired teacher who has served on the Burklyn board since 2012. Her teaching career spanned 39 years beginning in the Philadelphia area and eventually coming to Vermont where she ran a pre-school program in Lyndonville and most recently taught at the Miller’s Run school in Sheffield. Retirement has given her the wonderful opportunity to pursue her interests, hobbies and passions. In addition to being a part of Burklyn, she is a member of the Lyndonville Rotary Club, and a mentor in the “Everybody Wins” program at the St Johnsbury school. She loves reading, sewing, gardening, biking and daily dog walks with her two collies.
Dawn has been living in Vermont for the past 40 years and is originally from the NY/NJ area. She studied Art Education and Special Education in school and has worked for NEK Mental Health (now NEK Human Services) and various schools in the district. Dawn is now retired and spends her time reading, doing puzzles, dabbling in arts and crafts and accompanying her husband to the Foundry (a maker space affiliated with LI). She is currently the President of the Universalist Society of West Burke and will help out the Caledonia County Democrats. She has 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren, all living close by.
Treasurer: Sue Mescher
Susan joined Burklyn in 1993, when it was managed by an executive director and met quarterly. Since the executive director retired in 1994 and Burklyn became an all-volunteer organization, she has acted as president or co-president except for a two-year hiatus. She is the mother of two sons, a Northeast Kingdom native, an amateur musician, and has lived in Lyndon for over 40 years. Her work history includes teaching, a lot of substitute teaching, work in the St. Johnsbury Academy alumni office, and twelve years as director of public information at Lyndon State College.
Honorary Trustee: Carol Krochak
Elly BarksdaleElly Barksdale grew up in Newark, Vermont, and, being well immersed in the arts growing up, was an unknowing beneficiary of the hard work done by volunteers of the Burklyn Arts Council. Elly has been a trustee on the Burklyn Arts Council since 2012 and helps specifically with publicity, scheduling entertainment for the fairs and running children’s activities at the fairs. Presently Elly manages a privately owned garden and greenhouse and spends a lot of time in the fall heading up the Lyndon Area Youth Soccer organization. During the school year she directs the Newark Balkan Chorus as part of the Kingdom East After School Program.
Libre Drouin
Rachel GilbertRachel Gilbert has lived in the town of Burke for 17 years and has a strong belief in the importance of the arts in the lives of young people. She has raised two children, Jim and Aurora, who benefited from Burklyn's funding of arts in the schools. Rachel was delighted to have the opportunity to join Burklyn as a trustee in 2014. Her favorite part about volunteering with Burklyn is getting to cook in the big kitchen and meet the amazing craftspeople at the fairs. Rachel is an LPN at St. Johnsbury Pediatrics, as well as an avid gardener, quilter, and knitter. She can often be seen running or walking with her two dogs around Burke.
Darcie McCannDarcie McCann is a longtime resident of Lyndon and her two children, now grown, attended public schools in Lyndonville. She has served as the executive director of the Northeast Kingdom Chamber since 1995. She has long had a love for the arts, particularly when it relates to children, and was encouraged to join the board of Burklyn Arts by friend and fellow trustee Elizabeth Raymond after making her chocolate chip cookies for the cookie sale for many years. Burklyn Arts is one of the most satisfying efforts she has ever participated in.
Betty RaymondBetty is a part of the Council’s administration team. She is responsible for the organization's day-to-day financial operation and helps lead all business planning, and budgeting. She also co-chairs the food committee. Betty has spent her career in the retail business, selling plus sized clothing and accessories in her shop for over 29 years. Now that Betty has retired, she enjoys cooking, gardening and enjoying her grandchildren!