Scholarships Available from the Burklyn Arts Council:
James P. Doyle 8th Grade ScholarshipJames P. Doyle (Jim) was a longtime educator and advocate for the arts as an integral part of education. Jim was a trustee and president of Burklyn Arts Council for many years and a friend.
This scholarship acknowledges and encourages graduating 8th graders with artistic talent. Traditionally this award has been given out as part of the graduation ceremonies of 8th graders at area schools, with Burklyn Arts being mentioned as the contributor, while honoring the memory of James P. Doyle. Individual requests must be limited to a maximum of $100. The most successful scholarships come in the form of materials. A voucher will be presented to those receiving lessons. This voucher should be filled in by the instructor after completion of lessons and mailed to Burklyn for payment. |
Elizabeth Brouha Senior